Logo de la Business Line 'Customer Centric'

Customer centric

A specialist in driving transformation through the customer experience

Anticipating the experience you want to give your customers in order to make it simpler and better.

Designing, rolling out and digitalising the customer and employee experience, supporting and implementing cultural transformations and upskilling.


  • Customer experience
  • Relational models and digital solutions / CRM
  • Employee experience and cultural transformation
  • Implementation support
Customer experience

How can you set yourself apart from the competition through a good customer experience?

Etablishing your customer experience ambition 

  • Differentiate your customer experience
  • Deliver on your brand promise
  • Have all your initiatives converging towards a single goal
  • Identify and prioritise your customer insights.


Improving the customer experience

Your customers think your product or service is not living up to its promises: services they have to pay for, delays in delivery, a complex digital path, after-sales problems…
Based on a review of the existing situation, we can either progressively improve your customer path, or come up with a disruptive new customer experience.


Incorporating the customer experience in your projects

  • Invest in a programme with the customer experience in mind
  • Take your projects full-digital


We enable you to integrate the customer experience in every phase of development of your projects (Think, Build, Run)




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Relational models and digital solutions / CRM

Up until just a few years ago, it was the company who decided how it would handle its customers’ needs.

Today, customers like to make their own decisions. This is why it is vital to harness all the potential of new digital and technological solutions.

Relational strategy


  • Design an all-encompassing, fluid, end-to-end strategy for handling customers
  • Develop customers’ digital autonomy while maintaining a degree of support
  • Redefine the roles of the different contact points and the links between them
  • Insert new media into your existing system (messaging, chatbot, etc.)
  • Ensure that customers are taken care of end-to-end, regardless of the contact or channel they use


Relational models


  • Align your operational models with your strategy
  • An end-to-end relational model (defined customer path, coordination of communication between departments)
  • A relational programme based on a continuous digital conversation with your customers. Move from a relationship seen as transactional to one that is truly beneficial for all parties
  • An operational model of your various customer relations entities (missions, activities, processes, organisation, coordination, subcontracting) taking account of all the potential of digitalisation


Digital solutions / CRM


  • Project management with the customer experience defined in the initial ambition
  • Co-build applications taking account of your teams and increase the added value of your applications and your CRM
  • Optimise your web and mobile performance (A/B test, customisation of customer paths, address collection, product/content push, prototyping of webpage), user testing, site audit, data analysis
  • Website and mobile app development
  • Establishment of customer communities




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Employee experience and cultural transformation

Anticipate and prepare the rapid transformation of business functions:

  • Develop an employee experience that promotes well-being at work
  • Build an overall vision of changing jobs and skills
  • Invent managerial practices consistent with your customer promise
  • Think up new models for developing soft skills



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Implementation support

Support companies until the designed transformation delivers the promised results to customers, employees and decision-makers.

  • Radically transform the behaviour of employees and managers by supporting a change in company culture, materialised in teams’ practices. Customer culture, data culture, innovation culture, agile culture, etc.
  • Facilitate the skill development of employees and managers, with our teams of coaches and trainers
  • Accelerate the real transformation of systems and practices, with our exclusive change management and project management methods
  • Root customer culture in the DNA of companies, with our original approaches to listening to customers and driving improvements through the customer experience



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Meet us

Rudi Jakobs
Directeur Associé chez Acemis
Nicolas Diquero
Président Directeur Général Acemis

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